Bringing hope, support and opportunities for a better tomorrow through
microenterprise training, mentoring and ongoing support.
Here Is How It Works
We meet with each village group before committing to work with them. We have so many village communitiese asking for our support, it is important there is an undertanding of expectations and commitment by each participant. Frequently the groups prepare special presentations as to why they should be selected.

The Biashara Village Ventures program (developed by OneLove) is delivered over 5-6 intense training days. The program covers all aspects of starting and successfully managing a business. Our mamas often walk miles to attend (sometimes with babies on their back). We provide a lunch at each session and take frequent activity breaks to stay energinized in the intense heat.
As part of the training program, we also teach our mamas how to facilitate structured peer mentoring sessions so they can continue to work together, solve their business challenges, and support each other.
These mentoring sessions often identify where there is a need for us to expand or create new curriculum.

Access to Capital
After the business training is complete, we then move into Phase II of the program. This includes teaching the them how to establish their own peer lending groups - VICOBA (Village Community Banking).
This provides access to working capital to start or expand their ventures. Loans are also taken to pay for education for their children.

Success and Celebration
Such happy days! Upon completion of the business training and establishment of the VICOBA groups we have Graduation Celebrations that are full of song, dance and a special meal (prepared by the mamas). Each woman receives a Certificate of Achievement which is very special to them since many never had the opportunity to attend school. It is so rewarding to see them publically recognized in front of their partners and children.

Follow-up and Monitor
We follow up with program graduates regularly to assess how their ventures are thriving or changing. Meeting the mamas at their own businesses also allows us to provide individual mentoring specific to their needs.
In October of 2021, we launched a broader based evaluation process and surveying close to 200 program graduates and 6-8 VICOBA groups.

OneLove travels into rural areas to deliver entrepreneurial training, primarily to village women. The Biashara Village Ventures program provides the business training and support needed to create sustainable businesses that in turn impact the well-being of impoverished children and families. The program is delivered in modules that are highly participatory and include both exercises and opportunities for discussion to maximize the learning.
To date, OneLove has been responsible for the start-up of more than 3,000 village businesses.

Why village entrepreneurs? Why women?
A large number of women (particularly those in villages) operate in very poor environment with little prospect of being able to work their way out of poverty. They often have a double or triple workload, combining economic activities while looking after the household and providing family care. Many women stay close to their home village, lack contact with the outside world and face mobility/transportation constraints.
As a result, many villagers never have an opportunity to access resources often available in more developed centres and they seldom have opportunities for education or training. These women are often engaged in family survival strategies and businesses spring up out of necessity. Having said this, they are often creative, entrepreneurial, determined and very hard working. With even a small amount of training, tools and support they are better positioned for success.

The Businesses
Brick making
Crushing stone
Water harvesting
Rental of catering dishes special events
Growing fruits and vegetables
Making straw hats and rugs
Reselling fabric
Pig farming
Bead making and jewelry
Raising chickens
Reselling rice
Reselling firewood
Braiding shop
Roasting maize (corn)
Market stall with farm products